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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Wake UP!

Political rants can be a bore.  No one is lulled into a coma of indifference and apathy faster than I am at the sound of talking heads wagging their jaws endlessly.  If political meanderings were colored in the air not one of us would be able to see past their own noses in the morass.  That being said, I'm greatly saddened by the turn our system is taking.  Not in the obvious way, such as the inane debates recently littering our airwaves.  Seriously, Jersey Shore boasts a higher intellectual slant than a few of the slams and whimpers from those behind the podium in recent times.  I'm not speaking in party terms.  Truly there is idiocy on both sides of the political zoo.  The donkeys are stubborn and the elephants always seem to forget come promise time.

My current outrage isn't about such trivial matters.  I just read a story about a woman who was handcuffed to her bed during childbirth.  She begged for release of just one hand, to no avail.  This woman's crime?  She was driving without a license oh, and she was also an undocumented immigrant.  Needless to say she wasn't from Sweden or Switzerland.  Somehow I don't see Arizona police chaining an expectant Elsa or Brigitta to their prison beds.  My ire isn't simply for obvious reasons.  We should all be furious over how things like this can happen.  It's that the men and women involved in this have become so desensitized to this behavior that they see nothing wrong with it.

Atrocities happen every day.  For an eternity they have happened.  From potato famines to inquisitions to witch trials, our history is laden with black dark days.  YEARS and YEARS of dark days.  WHY haven't we learned from these days?  In the before times people died from a cold.  It took weeks to cross the ocean.  Childbirth was a game of russian roulette.  The multitudes could not read not write.  We have overcome such hurtles.  I can talk with someone around the world face to face on my computer. I have a device thinner than a school boys notebook that can give me every drip and drabble of information on any subject imaginable.  Yet we insist of fighting our evolution.

I'm calling for a halt to technology, at least until we spend some time on our internal wiring.  Stop the presses and the processors.  Start the long journey of finding out what it is so deeply buried in us that has deadened compassion and reason.  Let's start an art factory, a music note monopoly and a written word whirlwind.  Surely with all of our gadgets and luxuries something can be built to add gentility into our flat screened, DVR-d and googled hearts.  I know the idea is revolutionary but so was the telephone, or the airplane or BOOKS!

Wake up people.  I'm tired of sleeping.  I'm tired of wading through the mire of an existence dictated to me by 24 hour news stations and production valued entertainment.  I'm going rogue and am going to find the source of my apathy and malaise when it comes to matters of my humanity.  I would suggest you join me.  The ride will be endlessly entertaining and enlightening and in my case with lots of Tristan and Isolde playing in the background.  Come on, that music stirs my soul.  Sad that a prick like Wagner understood the beauty in this world better than I do at this moment.  What stirs yours?  I want to know.  Baby steps steps.  We don't want to alert the media....or do we?



  1. How much Liebestrode can one take? Taught the signif. of T&I too many times to too many for too long.

    How about infusions of Bette, Bonnie, Janice?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Ah the coffee has kicked in. Truly Tristan and Isolde isn't for everyone. That being said, other soundtracks are available for your listening pleasure.

    janice...yes, today seems like a Janice sort of afternoon!
