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Saturday, June 1, 2013

Summer Lovin'

Hello blogosphere!

Summer has finally arrived here in ye olde New York City. As in years past it seems to appear in the blink of an eye.  One rainy Tuesday it hovers around 52 degrees and then, seemingly without warning, the mercury rises to 90 and some change.  i complain about it every year, as do most of my NYC brothers and sisters.  But let's face it folks.  THIS HAPPENS EVERY YEAR!  We start to yearn for blossoms, beer gardens and bermuda shorts during those few short tease days in late April.  We convince ourselves that this is the mysterious season spring, that so many people speak about.  We spend weekend hours productively folding and putting away our winter wardrobes and pulling out the treasures found at last years end of season sales.  Kelly green sundress???  What magical elf left you in my storage bin this winter?  It is a wondrous and effervescent time.  What we do not realize is that those same sundress elves are plotting our demise when they slam us with the scarf, sweater and sun depravation weather.  I wore a TURTLE NECK to the farmer's market last weekend.  A TURTLE NECK.  Mother nature you are a fickle beast and please remind me never to land on your bad side.

Although the temps will dip again, thankfully, in the coming week I do believe I can safely pack up my cashmere and move on to the delights of summer dressing.  I grew up in El Paso Texas where it is quite possible to wear sandals 300 days of the year, if not more.  I remember having to buy a heavy winter coat when I left home for college.  They say the only thing between the North pole and North Texas is a barbed wire fence, and it's down half the time.  I was almost prepared for my move to the East Coast oh so many years ago.  But is anyone really EVER prepared for the East coast?  So, the glee and delight I feel in being able to don a pair of shorts and sandals to go to market this morning is joyous.  Of course, in true New Yorker form we are all complaining about the heat.  I fear if we are every truly happy and content here in the big city the apple would simply stop turning and the apocalypse might be among us. Gratefully, knowing my fellow apples, we are in very little danger of this happening.  We live for being malcontented and grouchy. Ok, maybe that's just me.  But I know I'm not alone in this.  There is something so unifying about kwetching at the deli about this and that.  It's the glue that holds this great city together.  That and food delivery, well delivery of any kind really.  When that stops I'm officially out of here.

I've rambled enough, I'm off to put on that surprise kelly green dress and head to a fabulous BBQ.  Another treat here in the dirty city.....BBQ's!  I'll think of you as I'm chopping down on a rib trying not to ruin my new couture!

Stay cool mes amis!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Family Ties

The importance of family to me is obvious from my previous posts.  I have been blessed with the most supportive, hilarious, and loving family.  I know this to be true and I am grateful for it every day.  A few weeks ago I had the extreme pleasure to sing with my hometown opera company.  The production was lively, colorful and most importantly well attended.  The true boon of this experience was getting to spend a lot of quality time with my Dad.  We had such a wonderful time singing together at church, teaching together at the high school where he was brought on to do some coaching, and exploring new culinary delights in El Paso.  WHY must there be so many culinary delights in El Paso??  There isn't a corner store that doesn't boast a delectable treat or some sort.  For a foodie such as myself it is a veritable playground.

When I returned to New York my heart and soul remained with my family and I had this overwhelming urge to visit my cousins in Mississippi for Easter.  I am a planning fool when it comes to travel and the idea of a spontaneous trip is quite unlike me.  But the urge was there and I knew I would be happier if I took the leap.  Luckily, I had good airfare karma.  Also, trying to implement my NOW credo I made the arrangements.

I'm so elated I made this trip.  My cousins made me feel like a Queen.  I got to spend time with my impressive and so very adult cousin Laura.  She is a graduate student at LSU and I am so in awe of the woman she has become.  I really enjoyed our time together and could not be prouder of what she and her sisters have accomplished.  My sweet cousin Martha treated me as one of her own and even had an easter basket waiting for me when I arrived Friday night.  It was chock full of treasures and it was such a welcoming gesture.  Martha and my Mother were extremely close. They were raised more like sisters than cousins.  She has some of the same mannerisms and sensibilities of Mom.  I hadn't realized how similar they were until I just observed her in the kitchen. It struck me that I craved her presence because I wanted to be near my Mother.  I hadn't even realized this until this moment.

We were treated to an Easter feast that afternoon and I had the joy of spending time with my other cousin Dennis and his family.  Their daughter has grown into a lovely young woman and I was so pleased to get so see them all.  Kay even had a little Christmas present for me!  I felt so warm and cherished this weekend.

I am deeply grateful for my family.  It is easy for me to feel disconnected from them because I live so far away.  I also admit that I am not the best at keeping in touch.  But thats the rub, they are your family and part of you resides in them just as they reside in you.  I need but look in the mirror or to my sister to see my Mothers face or hear her sweet voice.  She is in us.  What a lucky woman I am, indeed.

Friday, March 29, 2013


Spring is struggling here in the big apple.  The buds are pushing through with a stubborn east coast focus against this endless chill that has settled over the city.  It is a clear, blue skied morning here in upper manhattan.  The breeze flows through my gauzy curtains, even if it must worm its way across the heat blast of my out of control radiator.  Even though the winter is long, spring in inevitable.  It may take months to fully realize the transition but New Yorkers will once again be fanning themselves on subway platforms and complaining about the muggy, claustrophobic air that engulfs the city in the summer time.

Perhaps this year we won't complain as much.  Knowing what a hard winter we had will somehow affect that inevitable "complain" sensor that most New Yorkers have.  I have it.  For example, I can't stand in line.  I hate it.  When I am out of the city and must stand in line I blame whatever part of the country I'm in, what country I'm in, the climate, attitude and general being of whomever has to be in my orbit as I'm waiting in line.  Disneyland and I are not always on good terms because of this.  Fast pass...really?  But I digress.  There seems to be a switch that flips when one thing moves to another.  That itchy reserve nerve simply resonates to spew my displeasure at the situation.  It is draining!

I am working hard to appreciate things when they happen, in the here and now.  My life sometimes is a huge puzzle board of a waiting game.   I WAIT for the next gig only to go on said gig and WAIT to get home to my loved ones.  It is a vicious cycle that I had no idea I was a victim of, until recently.  So, I'm making a pledge to remain in the now and be at peace with my situation. Whether it be a sitzprobe or waiting in line at a midtown Duane Reade, I'm going to resolve to take it as it comes.  Yes, I'm hard core like that, have you ever been to a midtown Duane Reade?  If I make it through this little experiment I will emerge on the other side a fully satisfied Melsy.  It's a big goal, being in the hear and now.  I've struggled to be present because I live in a city who is always looking 6 months in advance.  For example I know that I will be sporting a lovely burnt orange scarf with my leather "moto" jacket this fall.  Cannot wait!

So, dear readers i charge you to take a breath, be still and feel what you feel WHEN you feel it.  NOW! and now and now and now.  Who knows what treasures we'll find?



Tuesday, February 12, 2013

All you need is...

Fill in the blank dear reader.  That dastardly fellow cupid is winging it's way to it's glory day.  Fast approaching is the day of chocolate, over priced roses and trinkets be-speckled with the charms and baubles of loves trappings.  You may think this a rant about the commercialism and hype of V Day but you would be wrong.

Years ago I wore black, sent sympathy cards and burned candles under the angry moon and generally raged against the idea of this little bump in the February road.  I'm a reformed rager friends,  I love Valentines Day.  Is it because I have hunk-a hunk-a burning man meat roasting on my romantic spit?  No, it's because I embrace the very idea of love in this crazy world.  I've been a closet romantic for years.  I secretly wished for a hollywood landscape strewn with petals and bubbles and shiny objet galore.  My musical score chock full of giant Bruckner-esque chords of hope and swelling amorous rises in pitch and intent.  Gone With The Wind "fabulous" has nothing on my inner romantic dreamscape.

I'm coming out.  Yep, if Jodie Foster can do it, so can I.  I'm coming out as a hopeless romantic who relishes those that I love and adore.  Yes, I do have heart shaped chocolate in my possession, yes I did hand make wrapping paper for my Valentine's day gifts, and yes, I am planning on wearing at least one item of clothing on Thursday that has a heart on it.

Romance is in the air and I'm lucky to have love in my life.  Most especially my love OF life.  I'm wrapping up all this heart felt diatribe and giving it to myself.  I'm so grateful for my existence.  I'm exactly what I wanted to be when I grew up.  So self, you will be receiving some amazing things on Thursday, the least of which is a hand crafted confection of your choosing.  As for the rest of you lovelies, you know who you are, yes, you can have a cookie or two.  For I love you and celebrate my time with your countenance.  See you Thursday.  I'll be the one glowing with love of oneself and of those around me.
