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Friday, April 12, 2013

Family Ties

The importance of family to me is obvious from my previous posts.  I have been blessed with the most supportive, hilarious, and loving family.  I know this to be true and I am grateful for it every day.  A few weeks ago I had the extreme pleasure to sing with my hometown opera company.  The production was lively, colorful and most importantly well attended.  The true boon of this experience was getting to spend a lot of quality time with my Dad.  We had such a wonderful time singing together at church, teaching together at the high school where he was brought on to do some coaching, and exploring new culinary delights in El Paso.  WHY must there be so many culinary delights in El Paso??  There isn't a corner store that doesn't boast a delectable treat or some sort.  For a foodie such as myself it is a veritable playground.

When I returned to New York my heart and soul remained with my family and I had this overwhelming urge to visit my cousins in Mississippi for Easter.  I am a planning fool when it comes to travel and the idea of a spontaneous trip is quite unlike me.  But the urge was there and I knew I would be happier if I took the leap.  Luckily, I had good airfare karma.  Also, trying to implement my NOW credo I made the arrangements.

I'm so elated I made this trip.  My cousins made me feel like a Queen.  I got to spend time with my impressive and so very adult cousin Laura.  She is a graduate student at LSU and I am so in awe of the woman she has become.  I really enjoyed our time together and could not be prouder of what she and her sisters have accomplished.  My sweet cousin Martha treated me as one of her own and even had an easter basket waiting for me when I arrived Friday night.  It was chock full of treasures and it was such a welcoming gesture.  Martha and my Mother were extremely close. They were raised more like sisters than cousins.  She has some of the same mannerisms and sensibilities of Mom.  I hadn't realized how similar they were until I just observed her in the kitchen. It struck me that I craved her presence because I wanted to be near my Mother.  I hadn't even realized this until this moment.

We were treated to an Easter feast that afternoon and I had the joy of spending time with my other cousin Dennis and his family.  Their daughter has grown into a lovely young woman and I was so pleased to get so see them all.  Kay even had a little Christmas present for me!  I felt so warm and cherished this weekend.

I am deeply grateful for my family.  It is easy for me to feel disconnected from them because I live so far away.  I also admit that I am not the best at keeping in touch.  But thats the rub, they are your family and part of you resides in them just as they reside in you.  I need but look in the mirror or to my sister to see my Mothers face or hear her sweet voice.  She is in us.  What a lucky woman I am, indeed.

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