It is well and truly April here in the Big Apple. Rainy one day, snowy the next and then just a little spring tease thrown in for good measure. Why I have chosen to live in this ever fluctuating clime is beyond me at this point. Every East coaster is on the same page as I am in regards to this bizarre weather. The winter has been a long one for us literally and for me emotionally. The fact is that I missed all the BEEEEG snow here in good ole NYC. I was in Texas basking in the southwestern glow. Of course it's hard to get a tan in a hospital waiting room but dammit I tried!
Things are picking up in ye olde emotional roller coaster these days. I am truly shocked by my ability to heal from this ridiculously difficult situation. There are still tears now and again but for the most part I'm doing just fine. I know that I'm not at the end of my grieving period, I don't know if I ever will be. What I do know is that I sequestered my little ole self in my apartment this past weekend and did 578 loads of laundry and I can report that every thing I own is clean. This may sounds like a small victory but for you other travelers out there you can attest to my situation. I am a "gig laundry" kind of girl. Although I have a war horse of a closet I have whittled and crafted a selection of gig clothing that can easily fit into one carry on rolly suitcase and a sizable tote. Yes, I am that good. Of course, that means that when I return from a gig I simply do that laundry and keep it at a maintenance level. When a season changes etc the old gig stash gets pushed to the bottom. With all the suitcase shenanigans of this past year I left a mighty pile of dirty laundry lying about my closet. One of my dear friends called me Cinderella because every time she called me last week I was doing some horrible chore. Spring cleaning has arrived and I'm doing my darnedest to clean out the cobwebs everywhere in my life.
And what was I wearing whilst toiling away the hours in the cinders? My absolutely fabulous zebra striped bedazzled to the hilt flip flops that my precious sister gave me last year for my Birthday! I flipped up and down 3 flights of stairs alllll week! Rain, snow or sun shinning brightly I flipped away the hours and I am single handedly forcing spring to arrive with my flip flop mojo! They will make their debut soon, I just know it!!!
As to today I'm taking myself out for a day of fun, even though I will be wearing wellies and not my flippers I'm going to celebrate my new clean status. Of course, I don't really want to wear anything for fear of the laundry grind again but I'll get over it and flip my way into the soggy city with my spring determination firmly in place!